Saturday, September 16, 2006


We are moving to LiveJournal kiddos!

Make your bookmarks known - All4GodsGlory

*Hugs* and cute bugs

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Hello Strangers.

It has been a long time since I really made a decent post. I am still here and Ringo is too ( for those of you so concerned ;), he is in the pictures in the very top. Bonnie is on the floor Ringo is on the end of the couch and the baby is at the arm of the couch.)

I got up this morning with a lot more energy than normal so I decided to use it. I painted a lot. I had a few touch up spots to do and some base work to paint the trim white. My bathroom is *finally* finished! I just can't believe it. Look here : picture to come. (I know you're thinking...where's the holes that I made? Can't seem 'em huh? I also fixed our sink, I'm a genius.)

The bedroom is 99% finished. I've got to stop watching anything with design on it, in home design. Maybe I've found my nitch. I've filled out an application for volunteer at the library to see if I would like to do that as my masters degree. I've got substitue training on October 27th and fingerprints for that on Monday. Kinda cool, but not for 61.00! :( My tuition check went through. :( 2928.00 for 3 online classes *Sigh* Time to pray that it gets refunded.

The design is not final for the blog but for now it looks nice.

Monday, September 11, 2006


I realize it has been ages since I've made a post and you lot are probably thinking "where is she?" I am here friends, just gotten my homework to work on and trying to finish it so that I can graduate this December. Here are some random pictures of Bonnie (our new pup, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi) and me and the baby and some of the stuff Ryan put together for our back garden.