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Saturday, September 16, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Hello Strangers.
It has been a long time since I really made a decent post. I am still here and Ringo is too ( for those of you so concerned ;), he is in the pictures in the very top. Bonnie is on the floor Ringo is on the end of the couch and the baby is at the arm of the couch.)
I got up this morning with a lot more energy than normal so I decided to use it. I painted a lot. I had a few touch up spots to do and some base work to paint the trim white. My bathroom is *finally* finished! I just can't believe it. Look here : picture to come. (I know you're thinking...where's the holes that I made? Can't seem 'em huh? I also fixed our sink, I'm a genius.)
The bedroom is 99% finished. I've got to stop watching anything with design on it, in home design. Maybe I've found my nitch. I've filled out an application for volunteer at the library to see if I would like to do that as my masters degree. I've got substitue training on October 27th and fingerprints for that on Monday. Kinda cool, but not for 61.00! :( My tuition check went through. :( 2928.00 for 3 online classes *Sigh* Time to pray that it gets refunded.
The design is not final for the blog but for now it looks nice.
I got up this morning with a lot more energy than normal so I decided to use it. I painted a lot. I had a few touch up spots to do and some base work to paint the trim white. My bathroom is *finally* finished! I just can't believe it. Look here : picture to come. (I know you're thinking...where's the holes that I made? Can't seem 'em huh? I also fixed our sink, I'm a genius.)
The bedroom is 99% finished. I've got to stop watching anything with design on it, in home design. Maybe I've found my nitch. I've filled out an application for volunteer at the library to see if I would like to do that as my masters degree. I've got substitue training on October 27th and fingerprints for that on Monday. Kinda cool, but not for 61.00! :( My tuition check went through. :( 2928.00 for 3 online classes *Sigh* Time to pray that it gets refunded.
The design is not final for the blog but for now it looks nice.
Monday, September 11, 2006
I realize it has been ages since I've made a post and you lot are probably thinking "where is she?" I am here friends, just gotten my homework to work on and trying to finish it so that I can graduate this December. Here are some random pictures of Bonnie (our new pup, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi) and me and the baby and some of the stuff Ryan put together for our back garden.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
The more and more I see people around me, hanging out with friends and friends from UAH the more I feel depressed and upset about being alone, well not necessarily alone but I have no friends here. I'm just really depressed about that right now.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Updates...and linux!
Hurray our garbage disposal is fixed, and apparently all my fault ( not surprised, really). The plumber said - there appears to be small blue pebbles in the disposal - and I made this face :-/ and slightly laughed. My leaky toilet is fixed and so is the other that never flushed well. I just paid tuition, *cough* 2,980.00 *gasp* OUTRAGEOUS, right? That's 9 hours and online. Thank God I got my books on www.half.com for 20.00 total. :) Ryan is in New York at the US Open until tomorrow. I really miss him. Well, Ernesto wasn't as bad as people thought it would be. It's not even been rainy here at all, just normal Florida rainy season.
Btw. did anyone else hear that the L.R.A in Africa are ending the war! I couldn't believe it when I read that. That is amazing! If you don't know, you should. It's a war that has been going on for 2 decades and their soldiers are children, children taken from their parents. Often the girls are raped. It's really a ghastly thing. Which reminds me, have you sponsored a World Vision child!? I hear from mine really often. Her name is Sanaa Akua and she's from Ghana. I struggle to make money but I feel that it is only a small thing I can do to help her and other children. Secondly, does anyone else know about VOM ( voices of the martyrs)? I've gotten their newsletter for about 2.5 years now. I'm always amazied at the suffering of Christians world wide.
Thirdly, I'm now offically a real computer geek, running linux! Even better...Ubantu Christian Linux.
As you all know I am studying on the sovereignty of the Lord. I had a comment from the dear Feanor about what this truly means. I have just finished my reading for the night ( 1:44am, hehe) and I feel the Lord leading me to say that this is different for everyone. I have my own personal definition of what His Sovereginty means but it can mean many different things to different people.
I feel the need to type/write my prayer here on my blog. Lord, I ask you to come into the hearts of the readers here and in my heart as well and show us your true sovereignty. Lord, if there is anyone so confused I pray that you would put it in his/her herart to seek out this truth in a more personal way but that he or she would be ultimately safisfied with the knowledge that you will provide on this matter. I thank you Lord for those that read this blog and those that don't. I pray they would be blessed and if I can help anyone out then all the GLORY goes to You father. Father, I thank you for lovin us even though we are so unworthy of your love. Thank you for loving us in good times and in bad times. Thank you for your UNCONDITIONAL love. May we not only be hearer's of the Word but doers of Your Word. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Btw. did anyone else hear that the L.R.A in Africa are ending the war! I couldn't believe it when I read that. That is amazing! If you don't know, you should. It's a war that has been going on for 2 decades and their soldiers are children, children taken from their parents. Often the girls are raped. It's really a ghastly thing. Which reminds me, have you sponsored a World Vision child!? I hear from mine really often. Her name is Sanaa Akua and she's from Ghana. I struggle to make money but I feel that it is only a small thing I can do to help her and other children. Secondly, does anyone else know about VOM ( voices of the martyrs)? I've gotten their newsletter for about 2.5 years now. I'm always amazied at the suffering of Christians world wide.
Thirdly, I'm now offically a real computer geek, running linux! Even better...Ubantu Christian Linux.
As you all know I am studying on the sovereignty of the Lord. I had a comment from the dear Feanor about what this truly means. I have just finished my reading for the night ( 1:44am, hehe) and I feel the Lord leading me to say that this is different for everyone. I have my own personal definition of what His Sovereginty means but it can mean many different things to different people.
I feel the need to type/write my prayer here on my blog. Lord, I ask you to come into the hearts of the readers here and in my heart as well and show us your true sovereignty. Lord, if there is anyone so confused I pray that you would put it in his/her herart to seek out this truth in a more personal way but that he or she would be ultimately safisfied with the knowledge that you will provide on this matter. I thank you Lord for those that read this blog and those that don't. I pray they would be blessed and if I can help anyone out then all the GLORY goes to You father. Father, I thank you for lovin us even though we are so unworthy of your love. Thank you for loving us in good times and in bad times. Thank you for your UNCONDITIONAL love. May we not only be hearer's of the Word but doers of Your Word. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Late night.

Last night I couldn't sleep so I decided to watch some t.v. and flip through the channels. It was about 2am and I thought there would be nothing wrong but there was this film on called "Red Corner" with Richard Gere and Bai Ling (which is amazing considering that she's known for her 'outrageous' clothing and behavior, like the Asian Paris Hilton. She was really really good in this film. I really recommend it. What happens is an American businessman is in China for a business deal, he ends up hooking up with this model who is found dead in his hotel room the next day and he didn't do it. So Bai Ling is his attorney and the whole Chinese government is corrupt. Really good. :) Watch it, you'll enjoy it. I only caught the middle of it but stayed up until 3:30 watching it. Lol.
Monday, August 28, 2006
New Studies.
Well now I've found something that is just amazling awesome...Linux, yes Linux that's right. Secondly, I am now studying on the Sovereignty of the Lord and my bible has a nice little helpful subject thing. I find it to be incredibly helpful. :) Short update as I'm tired and I'm sure I'll have loads to report on seeing has how we're having an inspector come to inspect our air conditoner ( no idea why) between the hours of ...get this...7:30 and 4:30. Oh fun.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Bible Readings and such.
The last two or three days I've been really bummed out and I think it is because Ryan is leaving for New York on Sunday to attend the US Open with Pop. Also, as I am always never sure what to read in my bible I think that starting small is the best way to go and found a plan to do so. So tonight begins Day 1, which I have read many times over but you never know what God is going to teach you, even though you'v read it a lot. I am going to check out the choir on Sunday to see if I would like to join or if God is really leading me there. Prayers for Ryan and his grandfather for their 4 day trip.
Day Today's Scripture Reading
Day 1 Genesis 1-3, 12, 15, 22
Day 2 Exodus 1-5
Day 3 Exodus 12-14, 20
Day 4 Leviticus 1, 10, 16, 25
Day 5 Numbers 3-4, 6, 11-14
Day 6 Deuteronomy 5-8, 28-31, 34
Day 7 Joshua 1-6, 23-24
Day 8 Judges 1-4, 13-16
Day 9 Ruth 1-4
Day 10 1 Samuel 7-10, 12
Day 11 1 Samuel 15-20, 28, 31
Day 12 2 Samuel 5-8, 11-13, 15, 18
Day 13 1 Kings 3, 6-12
Day 14 1 Kings 17-19, 21
Day 15 2 Kings 1-2, 6-7, 11-12
Day 16 2 Kings 17-23
Day 17 1 Chronicles 15-17, 21-22, 28-29
Day 18 2 Chronicles 5-10, 14-16
Day 19 2 Chronicles 24-26, 29-35
Day 20 Ezra 3, 6-7
Day 21 Nehemiah 1-2, 4, 6
Day 22 Esther 1-4
Day 23 Job 1-3, 38-42
Day 24 Psalms 1, 8, 19, 23
Day 25 Psalms 51, 100, 103, 139
Day 26 Proverbs 1-3
Day 27 Ecclesiastes 1-5, 12 and Songs 1-2
Day 28 Isaiah 1-2, 6, 40, 52-55
Day 29 Jeremiah 1-5 and Lamentations 3
Day 30 Ezekiel 1-3, 18, 33
Day 31 Daniel 1-2, 4-6
Day 32 Hosea 1-4 and Joel 2
Day 33 Amos 3, Obadiah, and Jonah 1
Day 34 Micah 1-2 and Nahum 1
Day 35 Habakkuk 1, Zephaniah 3, Haggai
Day 36 Zechariah 1-2 and Malachi 1
Day 37 Matthew 1-2, 5-7
Day 38 Matthew 17, 26-28
Day 39 Mark 1-4, 10, 15-16
Day 40 Luke 1-2, 4-6
Day 41 Luke 8-10, 22-24
Day 42 John 1, 3-4
Day 43 John 13-17, 19-21
Day 44 Acts 1-4
Day 45 Acts 8-10, 12-15
Day 46 Romans 5-8, 12
Day 47 1 Corinthians 1-2, 13
Day 48 2 Corinthians 4-5, 8-9
Day 49 Galatians 5-6
Day 50 Ephesians 4-6
Day 51 Philippians 2, 4
Day 52 Colossians 1, 4
Day 53 1 Thessalonians 2, 4 and 2 Thessalonians 3
Day 54 1 Timothy 1, 3
Day 55 2 Timothy 3-4
Day 56 Titus 2 and Philemon
Day 57 Hebrews 10-13
Day 58 James 1-3
Day 59 1 Peter 1, 5 and 2 Peter 1
Day 60 1 John 1-2, 2 John, and 3 John
Day 61 Jude, Revelation 19-22
Day Today's Scripture Reading
Day 1 Genesis 1-3, 12, 15, 22
Day 2 Exodus 1-5
Day 3 Exodus 12-14, 20
Day 4 Leviticus 1, 10, 16, 25
Day 5 Numbers 3-4, 6, 11-14
Day 6 Deuteronomy 5-8, 28-31, 34
Day 7 Joshua 1-6, 23-24
Day 8 Judges 1-4, 13-16
Day 9 Ruth 1-4
Day 10 1 Samuel 7-10, 12
Day 11 1 Samuel 15-20, 28, 31
Day 12 2 Samuel 5-8, 11-13, 15, 18
Day 13 1 Kings 3, 6-12
Day 14 1 Kings 17-19, 21
Day 15 2 Kings 1-2, 6-7, 11-12
Day 16 2 Kings 17-23
Day 17 1 Chronicles 15-17, 21-22, 28-29
Day 18 2 Chronicles 5-10, 14-16
Day 19 2 Chronicles 24-26, 29-35
Day 20 Ezra 3, 6-7
Day 21 Nehemiah 1-2, 4, 6
Day 22 Esther 1-4
Day 23 Job 1-3, 38-42
Day 24 Psalms 1, 8, 19, 23
Day 25 Psalms 51, 100, 103, 139
Day 26 Proverbs 1-3
Day 27 Ecclesiastes 1-5, 12 and Songs 1-2
Day 28 Isaiah 1-2, 6, 40, 52-55
Day 29 Jeremiah 1-5 and Lamentations 3
Day 30 Ezekiel 1-3, 18, 33
Day 31 Daniel 1-2, 4-6
Day 32 Hosea 1-4 and Joel 2
Day 33 Amos 3, Obadiah, and Jonah 1
Day 34 Micah 1-2 and Nahum 1
Day 35 Habakkuk 1, Zephaniah 3, Haggai
Day 36 Zechariah 1-2 and Malachi 1
Day 37 Matthew 1-2, 5-7
Day 38 Matthew 17, 26-28
Day 39 Mark 1-4, 10, 15-16
Day 40 Luke 1-2, 4-6
Day 41 Luke 8-10, 22-24
Day 42 John 1, 3-4
Day 43 John 13-17, 19-21
Day 44 Acts 1-4
Day 45 Acts 8-10, 12-15
Day 46 Romans 5-8, 12
Day 47 1 Corinthians 1-2, 13
Day 48 2 Corinthians 4-5, 8-9
Day 49 Galatians 5-6
Day 50 Ephesians 4-6
Day 51 Philippians 2, 4
Day 52 Colossians 1, 4
Day 53 1 Thessalonians 2, 4 and 2 Thessalonians 3
Day 54 1 Timothy 1, 3
Day 55 2 Timothy 3-4
Day 56 Titus 2 and Philemon
Day 57 Hebrews 10-13
Day 58 James 1-3
Day 59 1 Peter 1, 5 and 2 Peter 1
Day 60 1 John 1-2, 2 John, and 3 John
Day 61 Jude, Revelation 19-22
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