Friday, August 18, 2006

Well I am glad to hear that my readers enjoyed the last post. Yes it is true. Girls struggle with this, we just don't admit it. I am doing much better these days, just too tired to do much at all. I am still looking for a steady job and then I'm paying off the oustanding debt! Hurrah for interest! :0<

I really *really* dislike people who use their high-ranking position in a company as a definition for them to be real *jerks* or be able to treat people however they want, mostly like rubbish. Bleh. I was on a temporary job for 2 days and today I made a mistake when I transferred a call to the President/VP/Half Owner, whoever she is and she got upset but she didn't say anything to me. But that's just her attitude and I could tell that as soon as I saw her. If she would have said something nasty to me, most likely I would have left. I'm doing them a favor by being there and helping out the staffing agency. Eeh, everyone else is super-friendly.


Anonymous said...

opps.. sorry i posted my comment on your previous blog entry.. anyway please do allow me to repost the comment to this entry --


Well that's true! I myself is not perfect too and trust me i bet 90% of all human beings struggle with the same problem. However I noticed one thing, whenever I am on fire, the kind that is hot and fiery, I am able to fight against it. But when I am lukewarm, nah. I tend to give in. I hate it and I am really praying to God that He will help me fight all the struggles that is coming to my life ...

Take care and God bless us all =)

Fëanor said...

It sucks when the boss is unfriendly... it really $*%(ing sucks.

Funny to see another layout change... I love your layout changes, as long as they don't involve URL changes! ;)