Monday, July 31, 2006


On my way home I had a nice conversation with God. Yesterday after church, I got really hyped up about sharing Jesus with others and I began to think why don't we do this more often? I think our feeling is that perhaps we don't have all the answers and are afraid that someone will ask us one of those questions for which the answer is absent from our mind. That's ok. They may critizie us and they may laugh and say "How can you call yourself a Christian"? All you have to say is that "I can call myself a Christian because I am a true follower of Christ, and I know in my heart that he gave His life so that I could live forever and it is my honor to serve Him on earth, while I await on my heavenly father to take me to heaven." It is not our job to convert peoples, it is our job to share the gospel and to bring it to peoples attention, the Lord will work on their hearts.
Perhaps you, like I, have felt that my testimony isn't good enough to share with others because it's not something completely radical(i.e. I've had a few friends who are former witches and have come to be born-again), but friend I tell you that it IS good enough. If it is good enough for the Lord, then it is good enough for man. I believe it is part of the "unknown" that we fear. I have it, just like anyone else but I am working on it and praying that God can help me out, which I know he can.
I am hyped up about sharing Jesus, are you? Just think about it, when you get to heaven and the Lord says : "What have you done for my Kingdom on earth?" what are you going to say? I know I don't have much to say, if anything at all.

I found a website through StumbleUpon (via the fabulous Firefox) that led me to Kirk Cameron's ministry of witnessing and it's fabulous, it's an easy way to start up a conversation with someone and turn it to be about Jesus! You simply ask, Do you consider yourself to be a good person? Reguardless of the answer you say something like..."What makes you or anyone a good person?"...Watch the videos. It really restored the confidence I needed for myself. Praise God.

The Way of the Master


Anonymous said...

Amen! You know sis.. its really hard to share Jesus (since we are humans) but once we start to share Jesus.. the Holy Spirit will work through us :) and you'll see a miracle :D Thank you for joining FCF! I hope you'll be active and it will help you to grow more spiritually :D

Anonymous said...

I can relate, since I have been a Christian for only 3 years and still feel weak in scripture, I often feel indadequate and worry someone will laugh if I can't back up my beliefs with scriputre and say you call yourself a christian just like you said. Really good post.
(although, I didn't care for Kirk's video) from a seeker's persepctive anyway. Maybe I'll watch it again.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if any of us will have much to say for ourselves at the last judgment. Even the most holier than thou folks will be throwing themselves down at the Lord's feet, begging for mercy. It's all any of us will be able to do.