Thursday, July 27, 2006


I've got a headache that just won't go away! *Sigh* I'm working on painiting and tomorow I have a job to go to that's a temporary job but nevertheless it gives me money and that's what I need to pay the bills! I don't have too much to write today. It's raining outside so it's nice..maybe I'll just listen. Heheh.

It's a few hours later and the headache finally went away. I did a lot of painting, cleaning up the kitchen, fixed the holes in the wall of our bathroom ( which I created) as you can see here. ^__^. So I've fixed it now and just have to do a bit of sanding and then pait over it and voilia! Fixed. When Ryan gets home tonight we're going to get more paint, so I can finish the house.

Ringo pooed in our ditch or the ditch behind our house and I heard someone yell scumbag a bit later, so I went and picked it up. :( To me it's just strange to have to pick up your doggy's poo. I've never done it before so I guess I just don't understand. Also...I think someone egged my mom's car. Blimey brats. I suspect it's adults rather than children.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's cool that y'all are doing so much yourselves around the house... my wife and I aren't that brave!